Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lies and Propaganda everywhere

Propaganda is everywhere. I especially noticed this over the swine flu scare last spring, when the big pharmaceutical conglomerate was trying to instill fear into the masses left, right and center. I see propaganda everywhere, when I had the courage to open my eyes and stop pretending it didn't exist. I see it in the rigid beliefs of religion,distortions of mass media, the educational establishments, and of course the governments of the world. I see it when I read the paper, watch the news, listen to the radio, look at all the advertising all around, etc. We have been honed in the fires of cultural conditioning, brainwashing and the collective insanity of obsolete belief systems.

When I can become still enough to listen to the still voice in my heart that is barely audible over my logical mind, I can feel my way over the maze of lies and propaganda that demands my attention and energy. The Law Of Attraction says that where attention goes, energy flows, so if we focus our attention on positivity, then the circumstances have to change to reflect that. The universe must grant us what we create with the power of thoughts . We co-create our individual reality, and on a collective level we've co-created many hellish circumstances for our Earth Mother and her inhabitants. We need to re-member that its time to stop giving our power away and become conscious of our abilities to create change, no matter how insignificant we have been made to feel.

I know the forces that want to control us for their benefit, want to keep us weak, powerless, feeling shackled in a world where we can only see lack and limitation. They tax us to death, enslave us by taking away our God given freedom in disguise as security, they try to steal our peace with their constant reporting of negativity, they try to make us feed them with fearful emotions, they have us imprisoned and they don't want us to rise up on our own power. But t is time to break out of these shackles. We may have been programmed since we came out of our mothers wombs but we can always choose to look at our preconceived notions and replace the files in our mind with programs that actually empower and inspire us! We don't need to pretend that are beliefs are ours, when we aren't afraid to move beyond their barriers.

Time to look the fear straight in the face and say 'Enough is Enough'! No more attention leaking into negativity! Then we can take back our power from those we have unconsciously given it away to. Or maybe we would  rather stay as victims? I don't think blame every helped anyone, except kept them in denial until they were ready to face their issues. If we feel any resistance, its good to look at it for what it is-only the ego, always afraid to get out of its comfort zone. The ego will never be comfortable with change, which is why we need to be aware of it so as not to fall for its tricks and prevent us from moving forward.

If we don't look within and see where we are unbalanced, negative and in any way inharmonious we are not going to bring forth the change in the physical world. When we heal every imbalance in our psyches, when we can be real with ourselves, free from our self imposed blinders. Only then we can be certain the world will change. The war is within us, and it is reflected outwards, but too many would still rather continue to look at the effects rather than the cause. A quote from A course in miracles" "Perception is a mirror not a fact. And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward."

Just as the medical establishments would rather push drugs on people rather then have them look at the mind-body and soul connection that created the effect. Just as the media would rather report negativity and tv would keep producing programs that steal our attention and prevent us from realizing the unlimited power within our imagination, we need to see all this propaganda for what it is and stop being manipulated.

Just because we've been enslaved for millennia doesn't mean we are weak, it just means we thought we were, but that's just another belief! Its time to stop reading the paper, watching the programs that "program us" into following convention and mindlessly waste our potential. Lets get inspired! No better time than the NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is so frustrating as to be one of the few awakened minds in a world that is blissfully asleep. To see what is happening to others and not to be able to rescue their minds from the enslavement that they have been conditioned to crave. To be labeled as precisely what you're fighting against. To be seen by them as evil and wrong, when you are only trying to help them to see what is happening to them.

    To attempt to use logic and reason in one's attempt to reach them, only to realize that logic and reason are seen by them as suspect and unreliable, because their religion has conditioned them to see it that way.

    Religion must necessarily keep it's believers ignorant, because if the sheep ever looked up, they wouldn't be sheep anymore, and could not be herded in the desired direction. It's survival, to the religion. It must supress the intellect, in order to survive.

    It does this by programming people to believe that *faith* trumps *logic.*

    *Faith* has been built up in the minds of the believers as some truly great thing, something that can 'move mountains' and something that is 'all you need.'

    It is surely a stroke of genius to create a word that means 'belief without evidence,' one of the stupidest things aperson can do, and color it as a good thing. Something desirable. Something to strive for.

    Then also of course, there is the scripture. A mass of self-negating idiocy that one is forced to believe in, or else you go to hell. So God is Love and Loves us above all else, and if you don't buy into that He'll send you to a devil's hell forever. Can ya dig it?

    Forcing people to believe the ridiculous and the self-negating, is the way in which religion disassembles and neuters a person's ability to descriminate in the world, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. Which is the religion's goal, of course.

    Constantine was a Roman politician. A politician. And yet the flocks do not see the obvious here. No politician is likely to start a religion that is not self-serving.

    Christianity: The Great Lie that keeps on telling itself.

    What a shame.

    Your post is accurate amd perceptive.
