Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Hi "Waking Up,"

    Nice to meet you. I decided to click on YOUR name for a change (on the Hinn article,) and look where it brought me.

    Nice place you have here. I like your style.

    This article is very interesting. I appreciate meeting a fellow traveler, so to speak.
    You seem to focus more on the positive than I do at my place. (I should learn a thing or two...)
    No doubt due to your more yin-oriented personality, being female and all. Or not. (I am all about balance, btw. It's a big thing with me.)
    I tend to gripe more than I should. This reality is still frustrating for me. I am on a conscious path toward release of my anger by becoming less attached, and have made huge strides in that area, but I'm still irritated by abysmal ignorance for some reason, and there's so much of that going around lately. You can't throw a rock without hitting a fundamentalist nowadays.

    If you visit my place again, you might enjoy the two posts that are linked to pictures on the right, at the top of the home page. Reading your blog here I realize that they're right up your alley.

    Take care, and thanks for getting in touch. Always great to meet another self-aware person. Rare as hen's teeth.
