Friday, March 12, 2010

Liberating myself!!

I have been thinking about how people hold on to their incomplete, more often then not mistaken beliefs, because they're afraid to find out the truth or going beyond their ego's box of beliefs. I have even asked some members of my family the question. "If you were to be able to look at your present beliefs, would you want to know if they were incorrect or incomplete in any way"? The first thing a certain family member said to me was, "No, because I know that what I've been taught to believe is correct, and that's my truth". That was the end of that. I knew that no more words would be welcomed so I had to cease and desist. Unfortunately, for my ego, I just let it drop before it could escalate. No need to go into a right or wrong response and go deeper into the insanity of the mind.

The only reason one would answer "NO" to the above question is because their ego is comfortable with the present beliefs, that serve its purpose of resistance. I've studied the workings of the go and that is the main reason people don't look beyond the boundaries of their current beliefs. Speaking my personal experience as an indoctrinated Catholic I only started questioning things once I hit a rock bottom. By  questioning the fear-based doctrines, vacant rituals, dogmas and rigid beliefs, I concluded that they were only serving those who craved money and power. Although, I must say, it was not the proper thing to do, according to many of those that felt threatened by my free thought and new, more accurate perceptions of what the truth might consist of.

I came to the point though, that I had to do it, or else I was living someone else's life and that is not why I came here. I had to follow my heart and take full responsibility for my own well being, or else I might end up letting my beliefs run my life as distorted as they might be. I would never be happy with someone else's ideas of what happiness should be.  I knew the "beliefs" that I was taught to follow did not satisfy my questions nor did those who upheld them want to be asked. Surely, that was a red flag for me. Upholding the status quo, meant going against my integrity and I decided that it wasn't worth the effort anymore. My time for pretending I was okay with things as they were was up. It was time to wave goodbye to all that had held me back from being real and genuine.

I've since done much research into religion and history, and discovered that most of the beliefs we are taught stemmed from the need for certain powers to control through fear and that meant setting up barriers in the mind that many were "subconsciously" not permitted to move across.

I also know that fear prevents people from looking at the beliefs or "illusions" programmed into their mind by church or other institutions. It prevents people from making decisions through free will, because one always has to attempt to defend the beliefs that are taking up space in their over crowded brain, from all the beliefs and distortions set up within. That way, it could make those who want us to believe in certain "infallible" truths comfortable with never having to expand -even when the nature of life itself is expansion.

My point is, if we don't ask these "forbidden" questions, we are only harming ourselves, plain and simple. Think about it. If we never opened our minds to more possibilities, we would never evolve and move forward in evolution. We would still be on horse and buggy. We wouldn't have modern tools for what we do in society today. It really is long overdue that many people open up their minds to let in more possibilities. The potential that humans have is infinite, we can't continue to keep our mind imprisoned for fear of rejection or feelings of abandonment. Whatever fear we have, is unreal because it set up to prevent us from moving beyond it, into the realm of freedom.

I'm inspired by the visionary thinkers who have illuminated our path and helped to untangle us out of the nets that have been set up to keep us controlled by lies and fear. The trick is to get the ego to feel safe to move away from these limited beliefs. The time is here for our next step, away from self imposed limitations.I know liberating myself also let others do the same for themselves! It gave them permission to do the same. It is worth breaking through and discovering your truth, allowing grace to guide your way. Moving beyond these ego constraints, you'll realize that in fact, you were the only one holding yourself back!


  1. Inspiring post.

    I read Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" a few years back and it provided some clarity for me on this subject. He talks about the difference between 'thinking' and 'believing,' the first being based in the rational mind and the second being based in the emotional mind. I found it a useful way to think about it.

    Emotions are stronger than thoughts. The emotional part of the brain is even the older part, the rational part being an 'add-on' so to speak, and much newer evolutionarily speaking. Emotions are what moves us to do anything. Even if I am obsessed with being an entirely rational, logical, 'Spock-like' human being, it is because I am emotionally invested in being that way. I desire to be logical so I am, but the desire is an emotion.
    So in order to defeat the emotions you have to get emotional about doing it. Just the logic, the knowledge of facts that prove it wrong, is not enough.
    And the ego lives in the emotional mind, not the rational. When we feel something we feel it as a person, when we think something it is more neutral, and easier to ignore if the emotions run against it.

    This is why you cannot find a single egotist anywhere that is aware that they are an egotist. They can ask themselves the question, too. That's not even the problem.
    They just truly believe that they are not.

    I see it like this: We are all born with the 'lower' emotions, the ego-based emotions such as fear, anger, lust... The 'higher' non-ego or 'other-based' emotions such as empathy and love have to be developed. Many of us never develop them, and only think, or rather *believe* that we have. Plus, we are all born with a rational mind, which we can choose to develop and use or not to. We cannot choose to not use our emotional mind however. It's not our choice, it's an emotional identity issue. Our emotional side is who we are.

    We can 'train' our emotional mind with our rational mind, and vice-versa. For good or for evil. The emotions modify the development of the rational side, and once it is sufficiently developed, the rational side provides guidance to the emotional side for it's further development, and slowly causes the entire system to evolve. Hopefully.

    So the entire idea of a 'balanced person' to me is someone that is balanced between their emotional and rational minds. Yin and Yang.

    I write about this a lot. It's an area of extreme interest to me.


  2. Wow, thanks. What you write makes so much sense. I'm with you, its about balancing the yin and yang.

    I love what you say
    "This is why you cannot find a single egotist anywhere that is aware that they are an egotist. They can ask themselves the question, too. That's not even the problem.
    They just truly believe that they are not".

    That is what I don't buy into the old-age
    ways of thinking anymore, too many people in high places refuse to see the Ego-especially those in positions of authority, like church's with hierarchical structures that only serve the ego's purposes.
    People don't see it, or don't want to see it.
    Ahh, change will happen for us to become more balanced, hopefully is right!

    I love Eckhart Tolle, when I first read his books a couple years ago, I never knew that it would throw me into a state of questioning everything I'd ever been told about the way the world works.

    Since then I've realized that everything I've been taught is the opposite of the way it actually works! Now, I have to unlearn everything, and the more I unlearn, the more I remember that the less I know, the more I actually know...not sure I'm making sense, but I know its all about going back to the pure stream of consciousness that we all emerged from...

    Thanks for the great explanations- I appreciate it!

  3. And thank you back.

    In order to evolve it is logical that one must first learn to control the ego-mind. This is simply because whenever one learns something completely new, one usually already has some thought in that place, and it now needs to be discarded in order to assimilate the new thing. And the ego mind hates that. To the ego mind it feels like it's giving a piece of itself away. It takes it very personally, being wrong. It usually doesn't even allow the perosn to seriously consider that they may be wrong; instead it immediately counterattacks the perceived attack.

    Nice talking to you... take care!
