Saturday, March 13, 2010

Christianity needs to evolve, or die

Just a few points why the religion of Christianity makes no sense whatsoever for a person with even half an open mind. Their are many more, but I'll probably have to save those for another post.

The cult of idolatry has pervaded Christianity for centuries and now its time to move out of the point where we stop worshiping a false god "out their". Seeking an external god is a graven image because it implies separation between the self and the object of worship. Since quantum physics proves that everything is within one unified field, we know that being separate is only an illusion that lives in the mind of the ego.

If  Christianity is to evolve into the new age, it needs to meet the real spiritual needs of today's people to survive. If not, it will become extinct, since the thought forms that hold it into place will die off from lack of attention. This is long overdue and we need to stop buying into them once and for all. The age of  Pisces was about Christianity and the age of Aquarius is about freedom from spiritual tyranny and about being who we really are- part of the whole.

The fact is, the winners are the ones that write history and they have picked and chosen what they want us to know. The mainstream church has basically made certain doctrines to ensure security in an outer church that claims to have the absolute truth. Of course, this is the ultimate dream of the ego because it always wants to look outside, but that is just the point. The inner path is the one that has been passed down by many spiritual teachers. The outer path has only prevented us towards a deeper understanding of life and going beyond our logical mind into the intuitive, expansive void of the heart that connects us all.

Their also needs to be a merging of science and religion. The fact is, modern science has given us discoveries that are meant to set us free from those that would only have us stuck in our minds. Einstein proved that everything is energy vibrating at different speeds. We can't stick our heads in the sand anymore, and pretend that we don't know that the only constant in the universe is change. This only serves those we give our power of attention to.

Another point about the need for orthodox Christianity to evolve is monotheism.  The truly sad fact that the feminine aspect of God, and the feminine aspect of every soul has been suppressed is one of the greatest tragedies. Christianity has consistently denied the intuitive, more balanced side and focused on the material, logical and masculine aspects which has only prevented its spiritual growth. By denying the feeling side of life, this has only helped in creating more chaos and hell on earth. Instead of using the feminine to integrate both energies of the divine, it has been used to hold people back. This needs to be changed if we want to evolve as a species and if the church wants to move out of the dark ages.

Another point is as our souls mature, we can get to the point where we can use our intuitive faculties to validate whether or not we feel the sense or truth in a doctrine or belief . Moving towards valuing one's intuition is very important so one can have a direct experience of the divine, rather than outer knowledge. One needs to get to the point where they can take the outer approach of religion and move towards changing their state of consciousness. If something is to be taken as personal truth, it should be validated through one's intuition, otherwise it is just residue thoughts from others, who have taken them as real.

Religion shouldn't be an excuse to come between us and a deeper, personal experience with a higher power or God. Although this has prevented so many, and it all stems from the fear based approach of religion and the unwillingness to move beyond it. For too long, religions have been coming between people and God, they  have separated the physical world from the spiritual, the rational mind from the intuitive. Separating us from each other, and from God.  Integrating means realizing that everything is interconnected and indivisible. The fact that we live in duality teaches us that everything is relative and matters on what your perception is at the time. So, I think, whether or not Christianity chooses to evolve or not, depends entirely on those that choose to evolve, or not.

"When we are children, we are more open to our feelings and rely on them to make decisions.  As we grow and are educated, we are taught how to think logically and our reliance on our feelings diminishes.  A truly wise person has learned to balance the intuitive understanding of his heart with the rational knowledge of his head.  It is through this twinned approach that flashes of inspiration can be manifested into physical reality".
Quote from Healing Humanity online


  1. What has often totally confuddled me with most religion is that it doesn't particularly praise the human being. There's a lot of rules, a lot of concepts and ideas firing back and forth, and it relegates the human being to the lower end of the pyramid, and god at the top. I never understood how that method of identifying within religion was ever to lead people to a higher path.

    If there's one thing that I think religion could take a good long look at, it is the wisdom of children.

  2. Truly, as Jesus the Christ said, "“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” We so need to heed that advice.
