Thursday, March 18, 2010

Scary video but makes too much sense to remain ignorant!


  1. Not sure I agree with all of it, but Christianity is definitely a contrived evil created by men with their own very selfish agendas of seeking after worldly power.

    Eusebius was Constantine's scribe and wrote his story, where he saw a cross in the sky and heard the words "By this shall ye conquor!" and so made Chrsitianity the state religion. And Eusebius was also a major influence to the early Church. And Eusebius has said, on the record, that it's okay for a Christian to lie as long as it's in the cause of deepening the faith. Case closed, as far as I'm concerned, but there's huge reams of other information that, when looked at closely by an unconditioned nonchristian mind, proves well enough that the entire religion is a scam, and Jesus might mot even have existed at all.

    It's the darkest evil ever prepetrated on mankind, as far as I can see. The Great Lie that Keeps On Telling Itself Forever.

    Another way that I think about it:

    "Religion is most like a computer virus for brains. It comes complete with instructions for development and propagation of the virus, and code that prevents the person from deleting it or noticing that it doesn't conform to reality. It is orchestrated, organized, and officially sanctioned psychosis, made easily digestible and palatable to the masses."

  2. I agree with you Brian...If Jesus existed he would be weeping right now from the mess that has been made from some great truths that could have already set us free, had we not listened to those who seek for complete world domination.
    Thanks for your comment, We've been scammed, and it is Refreshing to know we're waking up to this fraud!

  3. Slowly and surely, and with them kicking and screaming.
